7 July. Creative Comm Strategies.

Announcements (Video 1)

Jump in with questions:
1. Join us if you can (though you are not required) at 11:00-12:00 on Friday, July 9. Register Here and here’s the Flyer & Meeting Location
2. Due to the Friday site visit, your D4 post isn’t due till Friday night
3. Looking forward to next week: Class on Monday will be recorded–no remote class next week; Panel Discussion on Wednesday; drop-in paper draft workshop 11-12 on Thursday; and D6: Paper Draft has been pushed forward to Friday.
4. Citing Images from a Database

Class Objectives

The Following are the topics/goals we will cover into today’s class session:
1. Reflection on Visual Rendering & Intro. to Final Portfolio
2. Overview of Rob Nixon’s “Scenes from the Seabed”
3. Overview of White Paper & Research Basics

Visual Rendering Submission Instructions

Reflection: Visual Rendering

In order to draft your Reflective Essay and Artifact Responses for the Final Portfolio, please freewrite in response to the following prompt for 8-10 minutes. You do not need to hand in your responses. Instead, we respond to similar prompts all semester and then revise them into final drafts.
Narrate the story of how your Visual Rendering drafting process. Your “story” should proceed through some of the following:
1. How did you start the project? Did you start by responding to the prompt? Did you start with a key chunk of text you wanted to write about?
2. What classroom activities/discussions developed/changed your thinking?
3. What sort of feedback did you receive? What changed draft to draft?
4. Finally, respond to the following in a few sentences: how does your experience drafting the Visual Rendering compare to writing process you practiced in high school?

Sample Portfolio

Creating Portfolios & Generating Pages (Video 2)

Embedding .pdf Files in Canvas Portfolio

Overview: Nixon, “Scenes from the Seabed” (Video 3)

Paper Overview & Research Basics (Video 4)